Grade Levels in International Mo Do Kwan Taekwon-Do Federation

  • White: 10th geup | Signifies innocence, as that of the beginning student who has no previous knowledge of taekwon-do – 3 months min requirement.

  • White with yellow tip: 9th geup | 3 months min. requirement

  • Yellow: 8th geup | Signifies the earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the foundation of taekwon-do is being laid – 4 months minimum requirement.

  • Yellow with green tip: 7th geup | 4 months minimum requirement

  • Green: 6th geup | Signifies the plant’s growth as taekwon-do skills begin to develop – 4 months minimum requirement.

  • Green with blue tip: 5th geup | 4 months minimum requirement

  • Blue: 4th geup | Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in taekwon-do progresses – 4 months minimum requirement.

  • Blue with red tip: 3rd geup | 5 months minimum requirement

  • Red: 2nd geup | Signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away – 6 months minimum requirement.

  • Red with black tip: 1st geup | 1 year requirement

Black Belts:

  • 1st dan         Black – Opposite of white, therefore signifying maturity and proficiency in taekwon-do; also indicates the wearer’s imperviousness to darkness and fear. (must remain at this rank at least one and a half (1½) years). The practitioner is given the title of “Bosabum-nim”

  • 2nd dan        Assistant Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 2 years)

  • 3rd dan        Assistant Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 3 years)

  • 4th dan         International Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 4 years). Minimum age is 21. The practitioner becomes a “Sabum-Nim”

  • 5th dan         Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 5 years)

  • 6th dan         Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 6 years)

  • 7th dan         Master Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 7 years). The practitioner becomes a “Sakhyo-nim”. Minimum age is 40

  • 8th dan         Master Instructor (must remain at this rank at least 8 years)

  • 9th dan         Grand Master – “Sasung-nim”. Minimum age is 60

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